Thursday, May 22, 2014

Oh the possibilities

For the first time in 9 years and first time since I accepted my first teaching position, I have begun to actively seek a new job. The surprise is that I have actually come to the realization that my time in the classroom may be coming to a close. I feel as though I am ready to seek out positions and opportunities in building leadership. Its bittersweet for me as I had always thought the transition out of the classroom would happen later on in my education career, but after the past few years being as tough and as grinding as they have, its time. being in the classroom is tougher than its ever been. With all the distractions for kids today and this being the instant gratification generation, engagement and holding students attention spans as well as supporting and nurturing students to care for and take an active roll in their education is difficult. The environment at my current school, climate especially, while better than the past few years, is still pretty bad. I have always told people who ask, that I have many more good days than bad, and still feel that way, but its time to start pursuing and investigating other options. So here I am, polishing up and updating my resume, something that I haven't looked at in 10 years haha and contacting current and former Instructional Leaders and requesting letters of recommendation. I have 4 positions that I plan on applying for and at least hope to get an interview and get a feel of what this transition will look like.

Oh the possibilities....

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Time flies

I've recently realized how quickly time actually goes. I step back and realize that I'm 33 and a real adult with a mortgage, career, and responsibilities. Where the hell does the time go. I can remember vividly what it was like 7 years ago and I often wonder how I got here. Some say its not good or healthy to live in the past or to consider "regret" but I really wonder what the hell I've done with myself and how the hell I got here....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

P90x Take Two!

Here I go again! To start working on my goal of getting into the best shape of my life, I have decided to give p90x another try. I made it about halfway through the first time, and am challenging myself to see it through to the end this time!

Day 01: 1/10/12
Day 90: 4/9/12

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012! Resolutions/Goals

Last year I made a long list of resolutions/goals and only achieved half of them. This year, I am simplifying things and keeping my list short and sweet.

1. Do not settle. - can be applied to anything!
2. Pictures - Take/Frame/Print/Share more!
3. Health - simply get in the best shape of my life, or at least post college...

My 2011

2011, what a great year! Quite different from the past few years of a lot of traveling and many concerts, but I still managed to get away some and hear some great music too. The constant that never changes, are the amazing people in my life. Friends, Family, Love, etc. I am surrounded by amazing people everyday and they pick me up and make me better each and every day. So this is as much a tribute to all of these amazing people as it is a reflection on how awesome my 2011 was.

For those of you in this video, Thank You and for those of you who I didn't have the fortune of seeing this past year, we must remedy that in 2012 STAT!


<3 Joe

I am back!

It's been way to, few and far between, updating this blog and sharing my thoughts. 2012 I will be better!

Let's start with 2 easy posts............

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer 2011

What a different summer from years past! Lots of great memories and new experiences shared with many of the best people I know. Of course along the way good things happened along with some less than good times some big changes, and some lifelong memories. However looking back on the summer now, I can do nothing but smile. Here are some of my highlights....

  • I met some great new people and made some new friendships!
  • I met a special someone who I ended up spending a lot of time with and got to know while sharing in some great experiences :) Jen
  • I watched my best friend, and brother from another mother, marry his beautiful bride on a cliff overlooking York harbor in Maine. Congratulation Mike and Maggie! <3
  • With the summer light on DMB concerts, I still managed to hit the local caravan with some great people and rock out hard! KB, Chris, Vin, Stacy, Randy, Vito, Pat, Troy, Boss, Tot, Kelly, Ana, MAR, Melissa, Jordon, Kim..... so many more!
  • I said goodbye to the beach house with one last hurrah and get together!  CT Crew!
  • I bought a condo! 
  • Had a house warming party for my family and had so much fun renewing the laughs and smiles that only family can bring :) <3
  • Visited some new restaurants including Bobby Flay's Bar Americain for Mike's Bachelor night! Amazing!
  • Attended my first Big Apple BBQ!  <3 Mom, Dad, Aunt Brenda, KB
  • Played lots of golf, including the executive course at Foxwoods! surreal
  • Spent countless hours relaxing on the beach and rocked VIP with the Milford crew! Jeff/Maggy!

and the best part is all the planning for so many fun things happening this fall!