Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer 2011

What a different summer from years past! Lots of great memories and new experiences shared with many of the best people I know. Of course along the way good things happened along with some less than good times some big changes, and some lifelong memories. However looking back on the summer now, I can do nothing but smile. Here are some of my highlights....

  • I met some great new people and made some new friendships!
  • I met a special someone who I ended up spending a lot of time with and got to know while sharing in some great experiences :) Jen
  • I watched my best friend, and brother from another mother, marry his beautiful bride on a cliff overlooking York harbor in Maine. Congratulation Mike and Maggie! <3
  • With the summer light on DMB concerts, I still managed to hit the local caravan with some great people and rock out hard! KB, Chris, Vin, Stacy, Randy, Vito, Pat, Troy, Boss, Tot, Kelly, Ana, MAR, Melissa, Jordon, Kim..... so many more!
  • I said goodbye to the beach house with one last hurrah and get together!  CT Crew!
  • I bought a condo! 
  • Had a house warming party for my family and had so much fun renewing the laughs and smiles that only family can bring :) <3
  • Visited some new restaurants including Bobby Flay's Bar Americain for Mike's Bachelor night! Amazing!
  • Attended my first Big Apple BBQ!  <3 Mom, Dad, Aunt Brenda, KB
  • Played lots of golf, including the executive course at Foxwoods! surreal
  • Spent countless hours relaxing on the beach and rocked VIP with the Milford crew! Jeff/Maggy!

and the best part is all the planning for so many fun things happening this fall!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to school!

And so another summer ends, and another school year starts....  As I begin year 7 of teaching, wow has it been that long, I am more cognizant of how time flies. This past summer was so much fun and different from years past and now its already over. Here we are in September and already gearing up for fall plans and Thanksgiving. I hope this year I can improve in some ways and meet the challenges and needs of my students a little better than last year. Only time will tell...........