Wednesday, January 11, 2012

P90x Take Two!

Here I go again! To start working on my goal of getting into the best shape of my life, I have decided to give p90x another try. I made it about halfway through the first time, and am challenging myself to see it through to the end this time!

Day 01: 1/10/12
Day 90: 4/9/12

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012! Resolutions/Goals

Last year I made a long list of resolutions/goals and only achieved half of them. This year, I am simplifying things and keeping my list short and sweet.

1. Do not settle. - can be applied to anything!
2. Pictures - Take/Frame/Print/Share more!
3. Health - simply get in the best shape of my life, or at least post college...

My 2011

2011, what a great year! Quite different from the past few years of a lot of traveling and many concerts, but I still managed to get away some and hear some great music too. The constant that never changes, are the amazing people in my life. Friends, Family, Love, etc. I am surrounded by amazing people everyday and they pick me up and make me better each and every day. So this is as much a tribute to all of these amazing people as it is a reflection on how awesome my 2011 was.

For those of you in this video, Thank You and for those of you who I didn't have the fortune of seeing this past year, we must remedy that in 2012 STAT!


<3 Joe

I am back!

It's been way to, few and far between, updating this blog and sharing my thoughts. 2012 I will be better!

Let's start with 2 easy posts............