Friday, December 31, 2010

closing out 2010.....

well not a bad year based on the resolutions from a year ago!

thanks to Maggy and Lizzie for adding the third one.....

1.5 out of 3 aint bad!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My 2010

I cant describe how awesome 2010 was in words, so ill let a short video do it :)

Thank you to all of my friends, you make me better than average! <3

"Friends are the family we choose for ourselves"

Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 Resolutions and Goals list.....

1. get in better shape!
2. begin a detailed family tree.
3. begin the process of purchasing a home.
4. better fiscal responsibility
5. Write more
6. Travel more
7. Eat healthier & cook more
8. learn something new everyday
9. Volunteer
10. be more positive!
11. use a reusable water bottle rather than plastic bottles
12. take more pictures!
13. take a photography class

more to come....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Damien Rice - Volcano

good stuff!

Dublin only or more?

  • Guiness Brewery & Storehouse
  • National Gallery of Ireland
  • Iveagh Gardens
  • Malahide Castle
  • St. Patrick's Cathedral
  • Trinity College?
  • Cork?
  • Galway?

Monday, December 13, 2010


So now that i have a list, its time to start travelling! What to cross off in 2011 ? hmmmmmm

I'm thinking a long weekend in Dublin could be a good start....

Who likes to travel? Who's coming with?

Bucket List - Travelwise

not in any particular order really......

1. Poland
2. Puerto Rico
3. Prague
4. Germany
5. Italy
6. Brazil/South America
7. Thailand/Southeast Asia
8. Dublin, Ireland
9. South Africa
10. Fiji
11. Austrailia
12. New Orleans
13. West Coast USA road trip
14. Disney World, Orlando Florida - food/wine fest
15. San Diego, CA
16. Hawaii
17. Tahiti
18. Key West
19. Greece
20. Istanbul, Turkey
21. Cuba!