Monday, December 13, 2010

Bucket List - Travelwise

not in any particular order really......

1. Poland
2. Puerto Rico
3. Prague
4. Germany
5. Italy
6. Brazil/South America
7. Thailand/Southeast Asia
8. Dublin, Ireland
9. South Africa
10. Fiji
11. Austrailia
12. New Orleans
13. West Coast USA road trip
14. Disney World, Orlando Florida - food/wine fest
15. San Diego, CA
16. Hawaii
17. Tahiti
18. Key West
19. Greece
20. Istanbul, Turkey
21. Cuba!


  1. There really isn't much missing from this list...except maybe a lil' Amsterdam with a side order of Canada. ;)

  2. I just happened to stumble upon the revised list...Cuba, si! It even got a little exclamation mark and everything!

    Best Bonnie and Clyde mission EVER, lol. :)
