Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Random Facts.........

my additions to the "15 facts about yourself" thread.............

sorry i went with 20....

1. I love to travel. I think Anthony Bourdain has the best job/life.
2. I love to cook! I need to do this more and share it with you all.
3. I don’t think I could live anywhere not near water. I grew up on Long Island and have been near water my whole life. I don’t think I could survive anything but a major body of water.
4. I tend not to trust people even myself sometimes. I give them 1 shot to keep it but if they lose it, it’s usually gone forever.
5. What you see/hear in confidence is the exact opposite of my lack of self-confidence.
6. I have never broken a bone.
7. Has no problem presenting or teaching in front of my kids but still get nervous when in front of peers.
8. I love logic, strategy, and puzzle games
9. Loves being on a boat or swimming but the movie Jaws has haunted me since I was a kid.
10. My middle name is Andrew, so Joseph Andrew is named after both of my Grandfathers.
11. Surprisingly I can be shy. Only when surrounded by friends and fueled with some beers do I come out of my shell.
12. I have only told 2 women (non friends/family), “I love you”. Somedays I wonder if I will again.
13. I love my parents and just like school and education, the older I get the more I appreciate them. I love spending time with my parents now more than ever.
14. I don’t mind cleaning or folding laundry because I hate a mess or clutter.
15. I enjoy chick – flicks and happy endings, but also love the dark and evil endings. Must have balance.
16. I’m a math person and good with absolute’s and hated English
17. I used to go to the movies all the time, now I can’t remember the last time I went.
18. I love to shop and spend money, but need to learn to love saving equally
19. I played the saxophone in HS
20. Unfortunately I am corrupted to live with regret. While everything may happen for a reason, I question certain choices I have made DAILY. And although part of me knows better, I still let it eat away at me.

1 comment:

  1. Awe. Some. :) Just to add some random thoughts...

    - Trust is a difficult concept to befriend, but having even a few people that you can share yourself with means so much. It's usually those same people that can make you examine any fears and weaknesses within until they no longer frighten you.

    - Regret is equally difficult. You just have to remind yourself that any decision you've made at any point was exactly what you wanted/needed at the time. And you're absolutely right: even though it may seem cliche and motivational-speaker sounding, everything DOES happen for a reason.

    - Your grandfathers had great names and so do you. :)

    - I'm jealous of your way with math and numbers. I think that side of my brain is dead to me, lol. Especially since I'm no longer in school and the only numbers I care about are the ones that show up on my paycheck every two weeks. :p

    - Love has a way of seeking us out when we least expect it. The organic, "it-just-kinda-happened" love is the most soul-fulfilling kind. You WILL say those words again. :)

    - Can I request that I try your chocolate chip/peanut butter pancakes one day? Hahaha! ;)
