Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Final Payment!

I officially own my car outright! This is the first automobile to which I have gone through the process of owning, paying for, and financing myself. The title should officially be in the mail now :)

On a more important note, this is the first step towards securing the financial flexibility I will need to get a solid mortgage quote to purchase my own place! So it goes from one large payment to a lifetime of more payments lol. It's definitely worth it though!

Next stop to sit down with some financiers and discuss my adjusted and updated purchasing and lending power.....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday Morning: The Killers "Spaceman"

Another resolution takes shape!

One big resolution for this year has been to begin the process of finding and purchasing my own place. As my roommate and I begin the last months of our lease on the beach house and he begins his new life with his fiance, I have to start looking for a place to live come September 1st.

For a long time I always thought I could afford a house on my own, and figured that is what I actually wanted. But after taking a long look at my current financial situation and talking to multiple financial people it became apparent that there was a big difference in what I thought i could afford and what I am actually able to sustain on a single income. This has led me to begin look at condo's that would serve the purpose for myself and the lifestyle I want to live in the coming years.

This was my epiphany the other day, that due to my constant desire to travel the world and see new things and my financial situation, owning a condo is probably my best decision.

So now as I begin the process of first-time home buying I am at ease with what I am looking for and what I can afford. This armed with a great support system, having 2 friends who work in realty, to answer all of my rookie questions and concerns, and support me with their vast knowledge and experience, has led me to actually feel more excited than nervous in what is easily the biggest decision and commitment in my life till this point.

#Mandy & #Lisa.... <3

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good Food!

I have lived in here in Connecticut for most of my adult life. I have also worked and spent a lot of time in New Haven over the past 6 years and when i think about it have actually scene and tried very little of what New Haven has to offer.

Despite the general "stigma" that New Haven is an inner city with a lot of baggage, it actually has so much to offer. It is a melting pot for culture, cuisine, and experiences that range far and wide. Besides the famous(?) Pepe's and Sally's Pizza wars, with Modern and Bar throwing their hats err pies in the ring, and the first hamburger at Louie's Lunch, there is a plethora of fine dining options afforded to me. So now I begin my list of all the places I wish to try, but please bear in mind that I am no critic or culinary expert, just someone who loves good food and good wine and cocktails.

If you have any suggestions, PLEASE drop me a comment!

New Haven:




Thai Taste






Fairfield County:



Le Petit Café


The Finer Things.............

The older I get, the more I am learning to appreciate the finer things in life. Good food, good wine, and good friends. I know one of my New Year's resolutions is to cook and eat better but I'm also adding into that, that I plan on trying new restaurants, cuisine, wine, and recipes that I haven't tried before. Not only am I generally tired of "same ole stuff, different day" but there's so much more out there that I haven't tried yet. So as I embark on 2011, I will dedicate a few posts on this site to new and interesting food, wine, and experiences along the way!

Monday, January 3, 2011

WH Biggest Loser 2011 !

ok im joining again. Had some major success with this through my schools version last year and am doing it again.

Starting Weight: 216
Goal: 8 %
Target Weight: 199

I have already started with a major diet adjustment from the holiday season and the usual fall comfort food classics and have rededicated myself to the gym, planning on going at least once a day during the week.

I wont bother posting a new blog for every weight but will rather just update the comments on this one with my progess.

Mat Kearney - Runaway Car

love his music!


Clearwater here I come!

It's official!

Clearwater, FL here I come!

Again this year my parental units will be vacationing in Florida for the month of March. I will be visiting them again this year for a long weekend at the end of March. CANNOT. WAIT!