Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another resolution takes shape!

One big resolution for this year has been to begin the process of finding and purchasing my own place. As my roommate and I begin the last months of our lease on the beach house and he begins his new life with his fiance, I have to start looking for a place to live come September 1st.

For a long time I always thought I could afford a house on my own, and figured that is what I actually wanted. But after taking a long look at my current financial situation and talking to multiple financial people it became apparent that there was a big difference in what I thought i could afford and what I am actually able to sustain on a single income. This has led me to begin look at condo's that would serve the purpose for myself and the lifestyle I want to live in the coming years.

This was my epiphany the other day, that due to my constant desire to travel the world and see new things and my financial situation, owning a condo is probably my best decision.

So now as I begin the process of first-time home buying I am at ease with what I am looking for and what I can afford. This armed with a great support system, having 2 friends who work in realty, to answer all of my rookie questions and concerns, and support me with their vast knowledge and experience, has led me to actually feel more excited than nervous in what is easily the biggest decision and commitment in my life till this point.

#Mandy & #Lisa.... <3


  1. That excitement you feel is exactly what's going to get you the condo you want and deserve. And when you're all moved in and looking around your new home with a smile, you'll feel like you're sitting on top of the world (with your legs hanging free). YOU deserve nothing less than that. :)

  2. You'll LOVE the freedom that comes with condo living!

    I don't see the difference in owning a house, condo, or carboard box - the feeling you get from being a homeowner is awesome!

  3. Owning property is the best thing you can do for your future. Condo living will be perfect for you :) Purchasing my place over 5 years ago was the BEST thing I ever did and I know it will be for you too. So happy for you.
