Monday, January 3, 2011

WH Biggest Loser 2011 !

ok im joining again. Had some major success with this through my schools version last year and am doing it again.

Starting Weight: 216
Goal: 8 %
Target Weight: 199

I have already started with a major diet adjustment from the holiday season and the usual fall comfort food classics and have rededicated myself to the gym, planning on going at least once a day during the week.

I wont bother posting a new blog for every weight but will rather just update the comments on this one with my progess.

1 comment:

  1. You GOT this.

    You have all the determination, dedication and commitment for success. I know you're going to achieve and even surpass your goals...not only with this, but with everything you've set out to do this year.

    You're going to rawk it all. <3
